Monday, November 10, 2014

Life is What Happens While You Are Making Plans

When I started this blog I had so many ideas. I had a little extra time too. Then our life got crazy busy. We have multiple things going on, like selling our cabin and buying a different one. We have the other normal things too like school, activities and just trying to keep the house clean and our family well fed.

Thank you to all my friends and family who have been taking time out of your busy schedules to read my little blog. I feel bad that I have not been posting as much lately, but feeling guilty is silly, because that takes the fun out of having a blog.  I realized that there is just not a lot of extra time in my days right now. In fact, as I am writing this our daughter is at school and I should be taking advantage of the quiet, alone time to get other things done. 

My husband and I are planners. We always talk about how we need to be better about appreciating each day, instead of looking forward into the future. When I started feeling overwhelmed with everything going on right now and what is coming up over the next two months, I realized I need to take each day as it comes. Writing a blog is fun, but my family is what is most important. The life that we have together right now is more important then our future "plans". 

So, I have decided not to feel guilty that I don't have time to do certain things, like blog daily. If my daughter wants to snuggle on the couch, that is what I should be doing.  I have about ten new ideas for blog postings, but will need to work on them as I have time. So, if you have enjoyed my past posts, please don't give up on me. I am just trying to enjoy life right now!

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