The other day as we were driving somewhere he showed me his "To-do" list. It involved what would have been called "manly" things 60+ years ago. Things like painting some doors, rehanging a door, shaving a window sill, fertilizing our lawn, painting an outside gutter, cutting a tree root, etc...
I have to admit that after being together for 15 years, I enjoy the fact that he takes care of these things. He also mows the lawn. I don't think I have mowed a lawn since I was in high school and living at home. I always joke that he takes care of the outside and I take care of the inside.
I do most of the grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning and laundry. I don't always enjoy doing these tasks, it just makes it easier to know that I will get these things done and that my husband will do the other things. We have developed a nice division of labor. It may sound 50's housewife-ish, but it works for us.
Now, there are some places that we cross over the old time gender lines. I deal mostly with our finances, and Mark is in charge of his own laundry. Thankfully this is not the era of starch and ironing boards, because I don't own either (and would definitely not be starching and ironing his shirts). He leaves the finances to me because I want to know at all times what is in the bank, and I leave his laundry to him because he has some picky way he likes his shirts folded (sorry honey). He is also GREAT at dishes. Not that he loves doing them, but he just does them faster with less complaining then I would (I cook and prepare all our meals from scratch, so there are A LOT of dishes). And I do wash dishes, but not happily.
I could go on with our chores list, but the point is, I am happy to know that we choose our division of labor and that it is not a thing dictated by society. I enjoy taking care of our house, not because I have to, but because I love to and am good at it. I also know though that Mark is happy to pull out "his" vacuum cleaner ( it is made by Makita, a power tool company) and vacuum around the house.
hmmm...looks like I have to log in to gmail in order to comment...but I was going to tell you that you have pretty much the same system than we've had for 40 years. My favorite is that the person who cooks, doesn't do dishes!