I have a degree in Interior Design. Though I am not currently being paid to use it, I am constantly aware of the design world around me. As a design student we were taught that 'form follows function'. The principle idea is that the shape of a building or object should be primarily based on its intended function or purpose.
Because we live in an almost 800 square foot house, ever inch needs to be utilized carefully. Form follows function definitely needs to be applied in our home. Over the last two years we have been constantly organizing, storing things in our basement, getting rid of things when we realize we have not used them recently. We have been learning what we really need versus what we think we want.
I LOVE organizing. Seriously, I wish someone would pay me to do so! I love figuring out how and where things should be, and how to do it so that the end result is aesthetically pleasing. Recently I wanted to figure out how to store my boots because they really had no home. They were living in their original boxes in my bedroom, looking ugly on my bookshelf. I searched everywhere for something that would work that I would love. I was about ready to give up, when I came across the boxes shown below. I was randomly wondering around Homegoods (because who doesn't love to spend an hour there looking at everything and nothing), when I found these great boxes! Made out of heavy-duty cardboard, they cost $25 for all three!
I wanted to share this great find because though these boxes were meant for storing stationary, magazines, etc... I found a different use for them. This was a reminder to me that not all things need to be used for their original purpose, that they can function as something else. That the form can surprise you once the function is revealed!